Travel Writing Prompts: Explore the World Through Your Pen

Tracwl Writing Prompts

Travel writing prompts are a great way for children to explore and learn about different places, whether it’s a place they’ve visited or researched, or an imaginary destination. It encourages creativity and imagination, as well as helps to develop writing skills. 

Travel Writing Prompts:

  1. Write a postcard from a place you’ve never been to. Think about what the place looks like, what the weather is like, and what activities you might do there.
  2. Create a travel brochure for a made-up destination. Include pictures, descriptions of attractions and activities, and even a map.
  3. Write a story about a group of explorers who discover a lost city. What challenges do they face, and what treasures do they uncover?
  4. Write a descriptive essay about a place you have visited. Include details about the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings you experienced.
  5. Write a travel diary about a road trip you took. Include details about the places you visited, the people you met, and any interesting experiences you had.
  6. Write a persuasive essay about why someone should visit a particular destination. Include information about the attractions, the culture, and any unique experiences visitors can have.
  7. Write a descriptive essay about a food you tried on your travels. Include details about the taste, texture, and any cultural significance.
  8. Write a poem about a place you’ve visited. Use imagery and sensory details to bring the place to life.
  9. Write a short story about a travel mishap. What went wrong, and how did you handle it?
  10. Write a review of a hotel or restaurant you visited on your travels. Include details about the service, the atmosphere, and the food.
  11. Write a postcard from a place you’ve visited, but put a twist on it by writing from the perspective of an animal or plant that lives there.
  12. Create a travel itinerary for a trip you would like to take in the future. Include details about the places you want to visit, the activities you want to do, and the food you want to try.
  13. Write a story about a time traveler who visits different places throughout history. Where do they go, and what do they learn about the past?
  14. Write a travel guide for a fictional world or universe. Include details about the different planets or realms, the creatures that live there, and any interesting landmarks or attractions.
  15. Write a reflective essay about a place you visited that changed your perspective on something. What did you learn, and how did it affect you?
  16. Write a letter to a friend or family member describing a place you visited. Include details about the people you met, the food you ate, and any interesting experiences you had.
  17. Write a news article about a natural disaster or other significant event that happened in a place you visited. Include details about what happened and how it affected the people who live there.
  18. Write a creative nonfiction piece about a cultural practice or tradition you witnessed on your travels. Include details about the history and significance of the practice.
  19. Write a script for a travel show or documentary about a place you visited. Include interviews with locals, footage of the landscape, and information about the history and culture of the place.
  20. Write a list about the top things to do in a place you visited. Include details about each activity and why it is a must-see for visitors.
travel writing prompts
  1. Write a story from the perspective of a souvenir you bought on your travels. Where did you come from, and what adventures did you go on before being purchased?
  2. Create a dialogue between two landmarks in a place you visited. What would they say to each other if they could talk?
  3. Write a persuasive essay about why a fictional destination you created is the best vacation spot. Include details about the sights, the activities, and why it’s worth visiting.
  4. Write a story about a character who can travel through different dimensions or alternate realities. Where do they go, and what do they learn?
  5. Write a personal essay about a place you visited that you felt a strong emotional connection to. What made the place special, and how did it make you feel?
  6. Write a letter to your future self about a place you want to visit someday. Include details about what you hope to experience, and why it’s important to you.
  7. Write a dialogue between two characters who speak different languages, such as a tourist and a local. How do they communicate, and what do they learn from each other?
  8. Write a creative non-fiction piece about a historical event that happened in a place you visited. Include details about the event and its significance.
  9. Write a story about a character who is lost in a place they’ve never been before. How do they find their way, and what do they learn about the place along the way?
  10. Write a descriptive essay about a place you visited at night. What was it like, and how did it make you feel?
  11. Write a poem inspired by a natural wonder you saw on your travels, such as a waterfall or mountain peak.
  12. Write a diary entry from the perspective of a backpacker traveling through a foreign country. What challenges did they face, and what did they learn about themselves along the way?
  13. Write a script for a short film about a fictional place you created. Who are the characters, and what happens in the story?
  14. Write a story about a character who visits a place where time moves differently than in the rest of the world. What do they experience, and how do they react?
  15. Write a persuasive essay about why a historical site you visited is worth preserving. Include details about its significance and why it’s important to remember.
  16. Write a creative non-fiction piece about a traditional recipe you learned while traveling. Include details about the ingredients and how it’s made, as well as any cultural significance.
  17. Write a letter to a friend or family member describing a place you visited, but use only sensory language. What did you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel?
  18. Write a story about a character who gets lost in a maze or labyrinth. How do they find their way out, and what do they learn along the way?
  19. Write a dialogue between two characters who have different perspectives on a controversial issue related to travel, such as tourism’s impact on the environment or cultural appropriation.
  20. Write a memoir-style piece about a place you visited that was particularly meaningful or life-changing. What did you learn, and how did it change you?
  21. Write a story about a character who discovers a secret passageway or hidden room in a famous tourist attraction. What do they find, and what happens next?
  22. Write a dialogue between two characters who are lost in a foreign city and don’t speak the language. How do they communicate, and what do they learn about each other?
  23. Write a personal essay about a place you visited that was completely different from your expectations. What surprised you, and how did it change your perspective?
  24. Write a story about a character who wakes up one day with the ability to teleport anywhere in the world. Where do they go, and what do they learn?
  25. Write a descriptive essay about a place you visited that was abandoned or in ruins. What was it like, and what did it make you feel?
  26. Write a persuasive essay about why a place you visited should be on everyone’s bucket list. Include details about the sights, the culture, and why it’s a must-see destination.
  27. Write a story about a character who travels through time to a different era or historical event. What do they experience, and how does it change their perspective on history?
  28. Write a memoir-style piece about a place you visited that challenged your assumptions or beliefs about a culture or society. What did you learn, and how did it change you?
  29. Write a script for a travel show or documentary about a place you visited. What are the highlights, and what makes it unique?
  30. Write a story about a character who is stranded on a deserted island or in a remote wilderness. How do they survive, and what do they learn about themselves?

By using these travel writing prompts, children can develop their writing skills, while also exploring their creativity and imagination. We hope that these prompts will inspire your children to write about their travels or dream destinations, and that they will enjoy the process of exploring the world through writing.

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