History Writing Prompts: Igniting a Love for the Past

History Writing Prompts

Hey there, fellow home educating parents! Are you tired of watching your kids stare blankly at history textbooks, wondering how to make the past come alive for them? Or maybe you’ve got a history buff on your hands who’s always asking questions about famous figures and events, and you’re not quite sure how to keep up. Well, fear not! We’ve got a solution that’s fun, engaging, and just a little bit sneaky: history writing prompts. 

By offering your kids writing prompts about history, you can help them learn about important events and figures from the past, reflect on their relevance to the present, and maybe even develop a love for the subject (shh, don’t tell them it’s educational!). So grab a cup of tea or coffee, sit down with your kids, and get ready to take a journey through time with these history writing prompts.

Why Use History Writing Prompts?

You might be wondering, why bother with history writing prompts when you could just make your kids memorise dates and names like we did in the “good old days”? First, writing prompts are a great way to get your kids’ creative juices flowing. Instead of just regurgitating facts, they get to use their imaginations and come up with their own ideas about historical events and figures.

But the benefits don’t stop there! History writing prompts can also help your kids develop critical thinking skills. By reflecting on the relevance of historical events to the present day, they’ll start to see connections between the past and the world around them. 

And let’s be real, sometimes you just need a break from the monotony of traditional history lessons. History writing prompts are a fun way to mix things up and keep your kids engaged in learning. So why not give it a try? Who knows, your child might just discover a love for history they never knew they had.

History Writing Prompts

Okay, now that you’re convinced of the awesomeness of history writing prompts, it’s time to get to the good stuff: the prompts themselves. Here are 20 examples to get you started:

  1. Write a letter to Queen Elizabeth I about what it’s like to be a kid in the 21st century.
  2. Imagine you’re Nelson Mandela. Write about a time when you stood up for something you believed in.
  3. Pretend you’re a Viking warrior. Describe your life on a longship.
  4. Write a story about a child who lived during the Great Depression.
  5. Create a newspaper article about the Battle of Hastings.
  6. Imagine you’re a factory worker during the Industrial Revolution. Describe your typical day.
  7. Write a diary entry from the perspective of a colonist during the American Revolution.
  8. Imagine you’re a soldier during World War II. Write a letter to your family back home.
  9. Write a poem about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad.
  10. Imagine you’re a suffragette. Write a speech about why women deserve the right to vote.
  11. Write a story about a child who lived during the Black Death.
  12. Create a travel brochure for Ancient Egypt.
  13. Write a speech about Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
  14. Imagine you’re a medieval knight. Describe a jousting tournament.
  15. Write a song about the California Gold Rush.
  16. Write a diary entry from the perspective of a child who lived during the Blitz.
  17. Create a menu for a Thanksgiving feast in colonial America.
  18. Write a story about a child who lived during the Renaissance.
  19. Imagine you’re a Roman gladiator. Describe a typical day in the arena.
  20. Write a letter to your future self about what you’ve learned from studying history.
  21. Write a story about a child who lived during the reign of Henry VIII.
  22. Create a comic strip about the American Civil War.
  23. Imagine you’re a sailor on Christopher Columbus’s voyage to the New World. Write a letter home describing your experience.
  24. Write a poem about the Great Fire of London.
  25. Imagine you’re a pioneer on the Oregon Trail. Write a journal entry about your journey.
  26. Write a story about a child who lived during the French Revolution.
  27. Create a poster advertising the transcontinental railroad.
  28. Imagine you’re a soldier during the Vietnam War. Write a letter to a friend back home.
  29. Write a song about the Harlem Renaissance.
  30. Imagine you’re an explorer during the Age of Exploration. Describe a new land you’ve discovered.
  31. Write a diary entry from the perspective of a child who lived during the Tudor period.
  32. Create a wanted poster for Jesse James.
  33. Write a story about a child who lived during the Spanish Inquisition.
  34. Imagine you’re a spy during World War I. Write a letter to your superior describing a successful mission.
  35. Write a speech about the importance of the Emancipation Proclamation.
  36. Imagine you’re a cowboy in the Wild West. Describe a day on the ranch.
  37. Write a letter to your past self about what you’ve learned from studying history.
  38. Create a storyboard for a movie about the life of Cleopatra.
  39. Imagine you’re a scientist during the Age of Enlightenment. Write about a discovery you’ve made.
  40. Write a story about a child who lived during the Cold War.

I know there are 40 prompts not 20 as stated above, I just got carried away!

history writing prompts
History Writing Prompts: Igniting a Love for the Past

How to Use History Writing Prompts

Utilising history writing prompts is an excellent method to get your children interested in studying about the past. But how can you make use of these prompts? Here are some pointers:

Maintain a lighthearted and engaging tone: History might be dry and monotonous at times, but writing prompts can make it more engaging and fun. Choose prompts that your children will find interesting and fun to write about.

Don’t limit yourself to one type of prompt. Mix it up using different writing types, such as letters, diary entries, stories, and poems. This keeps things interesting and encourages your children to try new things.

Personalise it: Invite your children to imagine themselves in the shoes of a historical figure. This will help kids connect with the historical characters and events they’re learning about, as well as make the writing assignments more relevant.

Be inventive: There are no right or wrong answers to a history writing prompt. Encourage your children to use their imaginations and come up with their own original ideas.

Make it pertinent: Encourage your children to consider how historical events and personalities have impacted the world we live in today to help them relate the past to the present.

After your children have finished their writing challenges, encourage them to share their work with others and discuss what they’ve learnt. This will help to reinforce their comprehension of history and boost their writing confidence.

We hope that these history writing prompts have sparked your children’s imaginations and piqued their interest in the past. You may assist your kids enhance their writing abilities, understanding of history, and, most importantly, have fun while doing it by using these prompts and following these instructions.

Remember that history is all around us, and writing prompts can help your children connect the past and the present. Why not give it a shot? Who knows, your child might grow up to be the next great historian or author!

Thank you for coming along on this writing journey with us. Continue exploring, writing, and learning!