Time Management Tips For Home Educating Parents

Time Management Tips FGor Home Educating Parents

As homeschool parents, time management can be a challenge. You not only have to get your children focused on their educational tasks, but you also have to supervise their activities, coordinate with other parents regarding groups, support your children and stay on track with all the other household tasks.

It’s easy to become overwhelmed and discouraged, but with a few tips and tricks, you can make your task of home education more manageable.  By spending some time each week organising and properly planning for the week ahead, you can make each day easier and more productive. 

Time management is a key component of any successful homeschool, and it doesn’t have to be cumbersome or time consuming. There are a few simple tips that have work for our family and will hopefully help you better manage your homeschooling time.

Time management for Home educating Parents

Establish a Daily/Weekly Schedule

Establishing a daily or weekly schedule is essential when it comes to home educating. Having a predetermined plan for when and how you will be teaching your children can help keep you stay on task and organised throughout the day. You can also avoid distractions and procrastination, allowing your children to get the best learning experience possible. 

Having a schedule also gives your children structure and a sense of normalcy. Creating a routine allows them to know what to expect each day and it makes them more focused and productive. It also helps to keep distractions to a minimum, which allows them to focus more on their studies. 

For parents, a schedule helps keep us organised and saves time. By creating a plan, you know what needs to get done and when. You can also plan ahead for any activities or outings that your children may take throughout the day. 

Having a schedule will allow you to plan for everything in advance, leaving more time for you to focus on other aspects of life. A schedule will also help keep parents from becoming overwhelmed. Without a plan, it can be easy to get lost in the daily tasks of home education and run out of time for yourself. Having a schedule will help you stay on track and create a balance between teaching/facilitating and personal time. 

Planning will also help you set realistic expectations for both you and your children. By planning each day and week in advance, you can ensure that tasks are accomplished efficiently and that there is time for relaxation and play. Setting realistic expectations will help create a positive environment where your children can learn and thrive. 

Planning Ahead

Planning ahead is a great way to make sure that homeschooling is organised, efficient and successful. When we as parents plan out our children’s homeschooling weeks, it allows us to break down tasks into manageable pieces and ensure that our children have enough time to complete them.

 Planning ahead also improves time management by helping to keep children on task. Knowing what needs to be completed for each subject and for each day allows parents to manage our children’s time, allowing them to focus on each task and complete it in a timely manner. 

To plan ahead, parents should think about the topics they would like their child to learn and divide them into the days of the week. They should also lay out what is to be studied each day, identifying which subject is to be studied and the tasks that should be completed. Parents may also take into account how long a task should take and plan breaks in between. 

Planning ahead helps both us as parents and our children to avoid feeling overwhelmed and keeps on task. It also allows parents to manage their time and their children’s time in a way that works best for them. When we as parents plan ahead for their home educating week, everyone benefits.

Breaking Up Tasks

Breaking up tasks into smaller, manageable pieces can make studying more efficient and can help improve focus. When it comes to studying, breaking up tasks can help reduce monotony and increase efficiency. Staying focused for too long on lengthy tasks can lead to boredom and decreased productivity. 

Shifting between different tasks can help keep the mind sharp and motivated. Breaking up tasks can also help create short-term goals and give a sense of accomplishment when a task is completed. 

One way to break up tasks while studying is by shortening study sessions. Breaking up tasks into smaller sessions can help make studying more enjoyable. You can also break up tasks by alternating between different studying methods. For example, if you are studying for a test, you can alternate between reading from textbooks, watching video tutorials, and taking practice quizzes. This can help keep the session interesting and break up long hours of studying. This can also help improve your understanding of the material. 

Breaking up tasks can also help with mind mapping and understanding how different concepts link together. You can create a mind map of topics you are studying and link them to each other. This will help you understand the different concepts more clearly and can be used to make studying more efficient. 

Breaking up tasks into manageable pieces can help reduce monotony, increase focus, and make studying more enjoyable. Shortening study sessions, alternating between studying methods, and linking different concepts through mind mapping are all ways you can break up tasks to make studying more effective.

Set Priorities

We often feel like as parents we don’t have enough time to get everything done. Setting priorities can help! Priorities help you understand what is most important and what requires your attention first. 

It can be helpful to view priorities as choices that help you determine how to use your time effectively. When you set priorities, you can decide which tasks must be done. This can help you stay focused and avoid getting overwhelmed. 

Priorities can also help you stay organised. When you have a clear plan for what needs to be done and when, it’s easier to know what comes next. It allows you to be intentional with how you spend your time and ensures that your time is used efficiently. This can help you manage stress, as it eliminates the need to constantly jump from task to task. Ultimately, setting priorities can help you make the most of your time. It can help you stay organised, stay focused, and prioritise what is most important. This can help keep you on track and ensure that you are using your time wisely.

Don’t Be Afraid To Say NO!

It can be difficult to say no, but it’s an important skill for parents to learn. Saying no allows us to manage our time and responsibilities more effectively. When we say no, we are setting boundaries and limits. This helps our children understand how to be responsible and respectful. 

Saying no is a way to show our children that we care about their wellbeing, and that we will ensure they are safe and healthy. Saying no can help parents manage their time more efficiently. With appropriate limits, we are able to focus more on the activities and tasks that are important to us. This allows us to be more available to our children, as we have less competing obligations. 

Saying no can also help us manage our responsibilities. We are able to better prioritise the tasks our children need from us, and also the activities that are important for our own wellbeing. This helps us stay balanced, and allows us to be more productive in our work. Remember that it’s ok to say no, even when it’s hard. It’s important to set boundaries and limits so that we can care for our children in the best way possible. 


Ending the hectic day of educating with a sense of accomplishment and calmness is possible for busy parents. Time management tips like organising your day, cutting out distractions and delegating tasks, can help you make the most out of your homeschooling experience. 

A well-designed schedule can give you more time to spend with your children and also help you set aside time for yourself. Additionally, creating an environment that encourages learning and takes away from the stress of homeschooling can make the process more enjoyable for both you and your children. 

Taking time to practise these time management tips can help you create the optimal home education environment and make the process more successful.