What is most important in your Homeschool?

I have a question for you. When you look at your homeschool schedule or planner, what do you think is the most important item on it?

Math? Grammar? Spelling? Writing?

What is most important in your homeschool?

The simple answer is none of the above.

All too often, we forget to think about what matters above all else – time for ourselves.  How many times have you got to the end of the day and realised that you haven’t had a minute to yourself?

I know, you are busy with your children,  busy with your homeschool, busy running a home and there is no time in the day for you to focus on yourself. But, you need to.

The Truth about you time

The truth is that without some time for yourself, you are not giving yourself a fighting chance to give your best to each aspect of your life. If your bucket is full, how can you help your children?  How is it possible to move forward with your home education and every other aspect of your life? You can’t.

I finally realised that if I didn’t find a way to make some time for myself each day I would go beyond running on empty and grind to a halt.

Time for you doesn’t mean spending a day at the spa. It can happen in bite-sized chunks. You could:

  • Carve out 15 minutes to read a book.
  • Spend 20 minutes catching up on a hobby
  • Take a bubble bath
  • Try journaling 
  • Listen to some music 
  • Watch your favourite movie
  • Cook or bake something you have been meaning to try.
  • Just sir back and relax doing nothing 

What you do is not nearly as important as the actual doing. The time you take for yourself is empty space which you can fill as you choose.  The important thing is that you need to take care of yourself.  It really is super important, because it’s the breathing space you need to recharge.

Enjoy your time. Keep your mind in the moment and make the most of this occasion!

Even if you seem to have a chaotic life and there seems to be only seconds to spare on any given day, it is possible to carve out time for yourself by simply planning ahead.  Look at your schedule and add in a few moments for you. You will be surprised at how much more focused and happy you are when you do.