November Educational Topics: Daily Adventures Await!

November Educational Topics for Home Education Featured post

Get ready for an exciting educational November with our Home Education Calendar! From Guy Fawkes Night to World Science Day, we’ve crafted a daily adventure that will ignite your child’s curiosity. Dive into art, history, wildlife, and more, all with engaging resources. Join us as we explore, learn, and celebrate this November!

Topics for November 

Day 1: Explore Weather

Day 2: Remembrance Day

  • Activity: Learn about the significance of the poppy for Remembrance Day
    Resource: The Poppy 

Day 3: Geography of the UK

Day 4: Art Appreciation

  • Activity: Study the works of famous British artists like Turner or Constable, and try to recreate their style.
  • Resource: Tate Kids for art inspiration

Day 5:

Day 6: Famous Scientists

Day 7: Historical Monarchs

Day 8: Literacy Day

Day 9: Ancient Britain

Day 10: Poetry Day

Day 11: Science Experiments

Day 12: Geography Bee

  • Activity: Test geographical knowledge with a fun geography quiz.
  • Resource: Geography games

Day 13: British Inventors

Day 14: Music Exploration

Day 15: Space and Astronomy

Day 16: Eco-Friendly Day

Day 17: Shakespearean Day

inspiration for November Educational Topics

Day 18: Ancient British Myths

Day 19: World War History

Day 20: Famous Explorers

Day 21: Creative Writing Day

Day 22: The Industrial Revolution

Day 23: Geography Globe Challenge

  • Activity: Challenge your geography globe knowledge with a fun Globe Scavenger Hunt.
  • Resource: Globe Scavenger Hunt

Day 24: Culinary Exploration

  • Activity: Learn about British cuisine and try cooking a traditional British dish.
  • Resource: Kids Cooking Recipes

Day 25: Conservation and Wildlife

  • Activity: Learn about conservation efforts in the UK and get involved in a local wildlife project.
  • Resource: RSPB’s resources 

Day 26: British Folklore

Day 27: Writing to Authors

  • Activity: Write a letter to a favourite British author.
  • Resource: Author websites often provide contact details.

Day 28: Mathematics Day

Day 29: Creative Arts Day

Day 30: British Wildlife

Let’s make this November a month of discovery and learning! Dive into our daily activities, and watch your child’s knowledge and creativity flourish. Join us in embracing the joy of education and exploration this season. Happy November, and happy learning!