Myths and Legends KS3 English Anthology Series

Myths and Legends KS3 English Anthology

Looking for a curriculum for English for home education has led me down many different paths. I was on one of my internet searches looking for Key Stage 3  materials for English when I stumbled upon this English Anthology series by Hodder Education.  These magical books had somehow slipped under my radar.

Myths and Legends KS3 English Anthology is like a three-part adventure – there’s Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Poetry. What’s really cool is that they have covered all three areas. It’s a big win for us because I had been struggling to find fun things to do with Poetry for KS3 that would engage my son.

Now, here’s the neat part: the activities are like mini-adventures on their own. You can go through them one after the other,  following the book as written or you can explore like a curious explorer, picking and choosing what interests you, your child or needs extra practice..  

Myth and Legends KS3 English Anthologies  by Hodder Education Layout

Right from the start, it’s important to highlight the exceptional selection of extracts. These extracts have been chosen with careful consideration, ensuring that they are not only captivating but also capable of stimulating the interest of young learners. My son has found these extracts to be engaging and thought-provoking.

Myths and Legends KS3 English example page

Each extract starts by giving a set of Learning Objectives for that section and a box that explains the context of the extract.  I like the fact that the learning objectives are listed which assists in being aware of what the section is looking for in the answers.

There is a section called Context that gives the reader background information for the extract.

This is then followed by the extract itself.  Every extract has annotated boxes at the side giving further guidance or explanation of the text.  After each extract a glossary is given for any unusual word and a skills focus box that lists which English skills are being focused on for this extract.

Each extract is followed by a glossary that explains any unfamiliar words within the extract.

I like that next there is a box called Skills Focus that explains what the following questions aim to focus on and the skills that they cover. Reading the skills focus box will help you understand what the questions are looking for.

The accompanying questions come in two strands: ones that can be answered directly in the book, and longer questions that require a separate page for thoughtful responses. These questions are thoughtfully divided into three distinct groups, each serving a unique purpose:

  • Look Closer: This group of questions encourages children to delve deeper into their reading. They’re designed to prompt careful consideration of the text, fostering analytical thinking.
  • Now Try This: Moving a step beyond, these questions provide an additional layer of engagement. Not only are they enjoyable to tackle, but they also extend the topic’s exploration. Fast finishers are in for an extra treat with added challenges.
  • Practice Questions: This set usually involves more in-depth written responses. They serve as an opportunity for learners to practise expressing their thoughts eloquently and coherently.
Myths and Legends KS3 English glossary
Myths and Legends KS3 English questions

Overall Impression of Myths and Legends KS3 English Anthology

The charm of these questions lies in their diversity. They encompass a wide array of activities that span the creative spectrum. For instance, the journey might involve crafting a mythical creature from one’s imagination, composing a play script, conceptualising a TV advertisement, writing leaflets or even penning a newspaper report. This assortment ensures that the learning process remains fresh, dynamic, and genuinely intriguing.

In essence, what we have here is a carefully curated learning experience. The combination of captivating extracts and thought-provoking questions engages young minds in a multi-faceted exploration of various literary dimensions. The strategic grouping of questions nurtures both analytical and creative skills, all while maintaining an element of excitement and variety.

You’ll be pleased to know that all sample answers within this range are readily available for free download from their official website. For your convenience, I’ve included the link right here for you.

Now, onto the crux of the matter – my son’s thoughts. As he worked through the first activity his  experience was that the activities and questions were helpful and enjoyable.  The annotated blocks alongside the text are helpful in guiding his thoughts and focusing his ideas. 

In Conclusion

The great selection of texts and the fabulous activities have certainly made their mark.  We have slowly worked our way through the book.  We would definitely recommend this book for Key stage three English.  It’s worth noting that there are many other books within this series and we have recently picked up the Detectives KS3 English Anthology.