CGP Discover and Learn Romans in Britain

CGP Romans in Britain

The CGP Discover and Learn Romans in Britain series forms an integral part of CGP’s history study and activity books, aimed at assisting young students in exploring and comprehending various historical topics. The primary target audience for this set is children aged 7 to 9 years old. The set comprises two main components: the study book and the activity book.

CGP Discover and Learn Romans in Britain – Study Book

The study book serves as a comprehensive guide to the history of Romans in Britain. It is designed to provide key information, facts, and insights into this historical period in a clear and engaging manner. The content is tailored to the specific curriculum requirements for history education in the UK..

The study book covers various aspects of the Roman presence in Britain, including their arrival, conquests, daily life, influence on society, and interactions with the local Celtic tribes. It also explores the impact of Roman rule on the development of Britain during that time..

Inside view of the CGP Discover and Learn Romans in Britain Study Book

CGP Discover and Learn Romans in Britain – Activity Book

The activity book is a complementary resource to the study book, designed to reinforce learning through exercises, quizzes, and activities. It includes a variety of tasks, such as drawing, matching exercises, timelines, map work, and written exercises.

The activity book aims to make the learning experience enjoyable and memorable while providing opportunities for children  to apply their knowledge and test their understanding of the subject. It is an excellent tool for practising historical analysis and critical thinking, encouraging students to think about the Roman era in Britain and its significance.

Both the study book and activity book are typically written in a student-friendly language, with colourful illustrations and diagrams to aid comprehension. 

inside the CGP Discover and Learn Romans in Britain Activity Book

Why We Use This Set In Our Home Education

We decided that we wanted to study Romans and came across this set from CGP. I liked the fact that it was fairly open and go with no gathering of resources from different places. It was very conventient to use at the time because of this.

The study book presents historical information in a clear and engaging manner suitable for the target age group. The language used is accessible, and complex concepts are explained in a way that doesn’t overwhelm young learners. Throughout the study guide certain words are printed in red which are then explained in the Glossary at the back of the book.

The study book covers a wide range of topics related to Romans in Britain, including their arrival, conquests, daily life, impact on society, and interactions with the Celts. My son also liked the Timeline feature that appears at the beginning of each new topic.

I like the fact that there is an activity book to accompany the Study Book.  The activity book complements the study book with a variety of fun and interactive exercises. These activities, such as puzzles, quizzes, timelines, and map work, help reinforce learning and encourage critical thinking.  There is enough variety within the activity book for it not to become boring.

The Study Book has colourful illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that add visual appeal and aid in understanding complex concepts. The engaging visuals make the learning experience more enjoyable and help capture the attention of young readers. The Study Book is well-organized with clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points, facilitating easy navigation and information location for students.

The Activity Book encourages children to reflect on the information they’ve learned and apply it to various scenarios.

While the alignment with the UK curriculum is a strength, it might limit the books’ relevance for some students or those following different history curricula.

Overall Impression

The CGP Discover and Learn Romans in Britain series is an excellent educational resource for introducing young learners to the historical era of Romans in Britain. The study book and activity book work hand in hand to engage students. The books encourage critical thinking, and provide a foundational understanding of this captivating period in history. The interactive approach, coupled with appealing visuals, makes the learning experience enjoyable and memorable.  

However, those seeking more in-depth historical analysis may require supplementary resources. As a parent I would highly recommend these books for their ability to spark curiosity and foster a love for history in young minds.