99 Creative Writing Exercises for Teens

creative writing exercises for teens with a drawing of a teen boy writing

Are you a teen looking to boost your writing skills and let your creativity shine or a parent or teacher of a teen? Creative writing exercises for teens are the perfect way to unlock your imagination and have fun with words. Whether you’re dreaming up new characters, building fantastical worlds, or crafting exciting plots, these exercises will help you become a more confident and skilled writer. Dive in and discover how you can turn your ideas into amazing stories!

Creative Writing Exercises for Teens

  1. Write a detailed description of a character, including their appearance, personality, and background.
  2. Create a conversation between two characters who have opposing viewpoints on a topic.
  3. Describe a place using all five senses. Imagine you are there and include sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures.
  4. Begin a story with an intriguing first line such as, “The day started like any other, until I found a mysterious letter on my doorstep.”
  5. Write a story based on a “what if” question, like “What if animals could talk?”
  6. Write a letter to yourself ten years in the future, describing your hopes and dreams.
  7. Take a story you know well and write an alternate ending.
  8. Keep a daily journal and write about your experiences, thoughts, and feelings.
  9. Write about a vivid memory from your childhood, including as many details as possible.
  10. Pick an object and describe it in detail using all five senses.
  11. Write down a recent dream and expand it into a short story.
  12. Choose an inanimate object and write a story from its perspective.
  13. Take a classic fairy tale and rewrite it in a modern setting.
  14. Look at a random photograph and write a story about what is happening in the scene.
  15. Fill a jar with random writing prompts. Pick one and write a story based on it.
  16. Take a story you’ve written and rewrite it in a different genre, like turning a romance into a mystery.
  17. Write continuously for 10 minutes without stopping to edit or overthink. Just let your thoughts flow.
  18. Take a headline from today’s news and write a fictional story based on it.
  19. Create a new mythical creature and write a story about its adventures.
  20. Write a letter from one of your characters to another.
  21. Write a story where you or a character has a superpower. How does it affect their life?
  22. Write a story about a character who travels to a different time period.
  23. Write a diary entry from the perspective of an everyday object, like a pen or a shoe.
  24. Describe a scene where the weather plays a significant role in the story.
  25. Write a scene that focuses on a specific emotion, like joy, fear, or anger.
  26. Imagine a box containing five mysterious items. Write a story about how they got there and what they mean.
  27. Choose a historical event and write a story that changes its outcome.
  28. Pick two random words and write a story that includes both of them.
  29. Try writing a poem about something that inspires you or something you feel passionate about.
  30. Write a scene where a character discovers a hidden talent.
  31. Describe a day in the life of a historical figure from their perspective.
  32. Create a story that starts with the sentence, “Everything changed when the power went out.”
  33. Write about a character who has to make a difficult decision.
  34. Imagine you are an animal in the wild. Write about your daily adventures.
  35. Write a story set in a post-apocalyptic world.
  36. Describe a moment of intense embarrassment and how the character handles it.
  37. Create a fictional diary entry from a day 50 years in the future.
  38. Write a story where the main character has a secret they are afraid to reveal.
  39. Write a scene that takes place in a dream world.
  40. Describe a family gathering from the perspective of a child.
  41. Write a letter from a character to their younger self.
  42. Create a story that revolves around a lost item.
  43. Describe a journey through a magical forest.
  44. Write about a character who finds a mysterious map.
  45. Imagine you are an alien visiting Earth. Describe your experiences.
  46. Write a story that takes place in a single room.
  47. Describe a day in the life of a superhero.
  48. Write a story that starts with a character receiving an unexpected gift.
  49. Create a story based on a famous painting.
  50. Write about a character who wakes up with no memory of who they are.
  51. Describe a character’s experience in an unfamiliar city.
  52. Write a story where the main character must overcome a personal fear.
  53. Create a dialogue between two characters who are complete opposites.
  54. Write about a character who is transported into their favourite book.
  55. Describe a scene where a character learns something surprising about a friend.
  56. Write a story that takes place during a festival or celebration.
  57. Create a story around a character who has a mysterious scar.
  58. Write about a character who finds an old, forgotten letter.
  59. Describe a confrontation between two characters with a long history.
  60. Write a story where the main character is an inventor who creates something amazing.
  61. Describe a day in the life of a time traveler stuck in the wrong era.
  62. Write a scene where two strangers meet and quickly become friends.
  63. Create a story based on a character who finds an old diary.
  64. Describe a character’s adventure in a haunted house.
  65. Write about a day when everything goes hilariously wrong for the main character.
  66. Create a story set in an underwater city.
  67. Write a letter from a character to their future child.
  68. Describe a character’s experience of their first day at a new school.
  69. Write a story where a character discovers they have a twin they never knew about.
  70. Create a scene where a character meets their hero.
  71. Write about a character who has to solve a mystery in their town.
  72. Describe a character’s journey on a road trip with friends.
  73. Write a story set during a natural disaster.
  74. Create a story where the main character is an artist with a magical ability.
  75. Describe a day in the life of a character who lives in a castle.
  76. Write about a character who encounters a mythical creature in the woods.
  77. Create a scene where a character has to apologize for something they regret.
  78. Write a story that starts with a character receiving an anonymous message.
  79. Describe a character’s experience during their favourite holiday.
  80. Write about a character who moves to a new country and discovers a hidden talent.
  81. Create a story where the main character is an explorer on a distant planet.
  82. Describe a character’s reaction to meeting someone who looks exactly like them.
  83. Write a scene where a character helps a stranger in need.
  84. Create a story based on a character who finds a magic mirror.
  85. Write about a character who has to keep a big secret from their best friend.
  86. Describe a character’s experience at a mysterious carnival.
  87. Write a story where the main character has the ability to read minds.
  88. Create a scene where a character finds a hidden door in their house.
  89. Write about a character who receives a surprising inheritance.
  90. Write a story that starts with a character finding an old photograph.
  91. Create a scene where a character must make a choice that will change their life.
  92. Write about a character who befriends a ghost.
  93. Describe a character who is the only person who can see a magical creature.
  94. Write a story where a character receives advice from their future self.
  95. Create a story about a character who discovers a hidden talent during a school competition.
  96. Describe a character’s adventure while hiking in the mountains.
  97. Write a story where the main character has to go on a quest to find a lost artifact.
  98. Create a scene where a character tries to solve a riddle that has stumped everyone.
  99. Write about a character who starts receiving messages from an unknown sender.

These creative writing exercises for teens offer countless opportunities to explore, imagine, and express themselves through words. From crafting compelling characters to building captivating worlds and weaving intricate plots, each exercise provides a unique avenue for growth and creativity. 

By embracing these exercises, teens can hone their writing skills, ignite their imaginations, and embark on exciting literary journeys. So, grab your pen, unleash your creativity, and let your stories take flight!

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